Wednesday 24 October 2007

urxvt + perl

I'm playing with urxvt (a.k.a. rxvt-unicode), a fully Unicode-aware terminal forked off the popular rxvt.

One of the good things with it is that it's fully scriptable in Perl. Here's my first attempt, a small plugin that adds an item in the popup menu (given by the standard Perl plugin selection-popup) to draw in bold font whatever matches the selection. It's not extremely useful, but that's a start.

our $selection_hilight_qr;

sub on_start {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{term}{selection_popup_hook} ||= [];
push @{ $self->{term}{selection_popup_hook} },
sub { hilight => sub { $selection_hilight_qr = qr/\Q$_/ } },
sub { 'remove hilight' => sub { undef $selection_hilight_qr } };

sub on_line_update {
if (defined $selection_hilight_qr) {
my ($self, $row) = @_;
my $line = $self->line($row);
my $text = $line->t;
while ($text =~ /$selection_hilight_qr/g) {
my $rend = $line->r;
for (@{$rend}[$-[0] .. $+[0] - 1]) {
$_ |= urxvt::RS_Bold;

As you can see, this code is pretty small (although not very readable maybe -- I dislike using @+ and @-, but my urxvt isn't compiled against a Perl 5.10 :).

Well, I'm now looking for ideas. What would be cool for a terminal to do for you (and that urxvt doesn't already provide?)

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