vim and Perl 5.10
If you use vim and want it to highlight correctly the new keywords in Perl 5.10, you can just drop the following syntax plugin script as ~/.vim/syntax/perl.vim :
so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/perl.vim
syn keyword perlStatementStorage state
syn keyword perlStatementFiledesc say
if exists("perl_fold") && exists("perl_fold_blocks")
syn match perlConditional "\<given\>"
syn match perlConditional "\<when\>"
syn match perlConditional "\<default\>"
syn match perlRepeat "\<break\>"
syn keyword perlConditional given when default
syn keyword perlRepeat break
if exists("perl_fold")
syn match perlControl "\<BEGIN\|CHECK\|INIT\|END\|UNITCHECK\>" contained
syn keyword perlControl BEGIN END CHECK INIT UNITCHECK
An extension, not implemented here, could be to add a new highlight class for the new regexp verbs (MARK, SKIP, COMMIT, etc.)