On Gravitas
Gravitas is a novel by S. Christopher, centered around a character named Ben, and his evolution at the edge of his thirties. In a few words, Ben lives in a medium-sized American city (that could be Portland, for instance); he's a senior programmer in a small software company; he has a geeky housemate.
The novel has no other real purpose than to depict Ben's life and mind. That has shaped the narrative style, which proceeds by an accumulation of scenes, not necessarily in chronological order, rather than by a well-formed, developing plot. Ben is, by many criteria, successful, but by other traits, he's not strictly in tune with his environment: sometimes he appears to shift by a half-tone, maybe more, leading him to be a spectator of himself (and others). The love (and pain) that a girl will inflict on him will force him out of his shell, at least for a period, and he will live this event as a small, strange trauma, maybe the first of his life, not counting his own birth.
Minor themes are recurrent through the book, indicating that it's better constructed than it would be obvious at a first glance.
One of those themes is the disappearance -- of days, people, words, that seem to slip through Ben's memory, as if reality wouldn't let itself be captured easily as a mind representation, by someone who is reluctant to engage in it fully.
Another theme might be abstraction. I don't find a better word for that capacity -- or defect -- that some people have, to perceive things through an emotionless prism, like one would look at a piece of software, including oneself.
The author uses a dense, rich form of English, full of images. This prolixity suits well the introspective nature of the book.
I enjoyed Gravitas. On an ideal shelf, it would be between P.K.Dick's non-sci-fi novels and Meredith's Egoist.